Specify a Character Set Early

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Applicable To
All Browsers

How Improves Page Load Time
By optimizing browser rendering

HTML documents are sent over the Internet as a sequence of bytes accompanied by character encoding information.  Character encoding information is specified in the HTTP response headers or in the HTML markup of the document itself.  The browser uses the character encoding information to convert the stream of bytes into characters that it renders on screen.  Most browsers buffer a certain number of bytes before executing any JS or drawing.  If they don’t find the character encoding information in the buffer they assume one by default and start rendering.  Later if it doesn’t match, a browser reparses the input and redraws the page.

o        Specifying a character set early in the HTML document, allow browser to begin executing scripts immediately

o        Configure web server to specify the character set in the HTTP headers
o        If configuring of web server is not possible, then set the char set in the meta tag and specify the markup in the 'head' section of the HTML document




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