Best Practices for Unit Test Case Automation

Make each test orthogonal (i.e., independent) to all the others
  • Any given behavior should be specified in one and only one test. Otherwise if you later change that behavior, you’ll have to change multiple tests

Don’t make unnecessary assertions
  • Which specific behavior are you testing? It’s counterproductive to Assert() anything that’s also asserted by another test
  • It just increases the frequency of pointless failures without improving unit test coverage at all
  • Have only one logical assertion per test
  • Unit tests are a design specification of how a certain behavior should work, not a list of observations of everything the code does

Test only one code unit at a time
  • Architecture must support testing units (i.e., classes or very small groups of classes) independently, not all chained together
  • If you can’t do this, then your architecture is limiting your work’s quality – consider using Inversion of Control

Mock out all external services and state
  • You’ve definitely taken a wrong turn if you have to run your tests in a specific order, or if they only work when your database or network connection is active.
  • Behaviour in those external services overlaps multiple tests, and state data means that different unit tests can influence each other’s outcome
  • If you can’t, at least make sure each test resets the relevant statics to a known state before it runs.

Avoid unnecessary preconditions
  • Avoid having common setup code that runs at the beginning of lots of unrelated tests

Don’t unit-test configuration settings
  • By definition, your configuration settings aren’t part of any unit of code

Name your unit tests clearly and consistently
  • Avoid non-descriptive unit tests names such as Purchase() or OutOfStock()
  • One naming convention could be - Action_ConditionsToTest_ExpectedResult. Example: ProductPurchaseAction_IfStockIsZero_RendersOutOfStockView()

Follow consistent test structure
  • Setup -> Action -> Assert -> TearDown


  1. Unit Software Testing = The unit testing features of Visual Studio 2012 were shown to be an effective way to improve software quality by introducing various tests.


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