Test automation techniques in agile environment

·         Start small at the beginning of the project and build the test suite iteratively with each passing sprint.
·         Create a test automation backlog to serve as a prioritized list of automation tasks. This will help you stay focused on the immediate tasks without losing sight of the long-term goals. Have a good look at the available testing tools and their capabilities and don’t be afraid to invest a sprint or two in getting your hands dirty with them. This will ensure that you get started with the best available testing options and establish a realistic assessment of their features.
·         Keeping your tests and data loosely bound will help you to switch testing tools with ease in the future if such a need arises.
·         Create meaningful tests and give due consideration to concerns like maintainability and execution time while adding tests to the automation suite.
·         As soon as possible, make every effort to enable the whole team to use the security net you’ve created by putting it on a build/CI system.
·         Create meaningful tests and ensure that they don’t create a false sense of security.
·         Make every effort to resolve test failures quickly and keep test execution times as short as possible.

·         Last but not the least, have an intuitive reporting mechanism in place and give everyone on the team visibility to test results and historical trends. This will help everyone involved in the project monitor the progress and health of development and make more informed decisions.


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