ASP.NET Application - What to Measure for Performance?

ASP.NET Application – What to Measure for Performance?
»        What are number of requests getting executed per second?
»        How many numbers of requests waiting to be executed?
»        How many numbers of requests being rejected?
ASP.NET Applications \ Requests / sec
Web Service \ ISAPI Extension Requests / sec
ASP.NET \ Requests Current
ASP.NET Applications \ Requests Executing
ASP.NET Applications \ Requests Timed Out
Cost of Throughput
»        What is the cost of throughput in term of processor utilization, memory, disk I/O and network utilization?
»        What is the cost of hardware needed to achieve given level of performance?
Processor \ % Processor Time
Processor \ % Privileged Time
Processor \ % Interrupt Time
System \ Processor Queue Length
System \ Context Switches / sec

Memory \ Available Mbytes
Memory \ Page Reads / sec
Memory \ Pages / sec
Memory \ Pool Nonpaged Bytes
Server \ Pool Nonpaged Failures
Server \ Pool Paged Failures
Server \ Pool Nonpaged Peak
Memory \ Cache Bytes
Memory \ Cache Faults / sec
Cache \ MDL Reads Hits %

Disk I/O
Physical Disk \ Average Disk Queue Length
Physical Disk \ Avg. Disk Read Queue Length
Physical Disk \ Avg. Disk Write Queue Length
Physical Disk \ Avg. Disk sec / Read
Physical Disk \ Avg. Disk sec / Transfer
Physical Disk \ Disk Writes / sec

Network I/O
Network Interface \ Bytes  Total / sec
Network Interface \ Bytes Received / sec
Network Interface \ Bytes Sent / sec
Server \ Bytes Total / sec
\ Segment Received / sec
\ Segment Sent / sec
Processor \ % Interrupt Time
»        What numbers of requests queued in IIS?
»        What are number of requests in application queue?
»        How many requests got rejected because request queue was full?
»        What is average wait time for requests waiting in queue?
ASP.NET \ Requests Queued
ASP.NET Applications \ Requests in Application Queue
ASP.NET \ Requests Rejected
ASP.NET \ Requests Wait Time
Response Time & Latency
»        What is the time for TTFB (Time to First Byte?
»        What is the time for TTLB (Time to Last Byte)
»        What is processing time of ASP.NET requests?
TTFB (from client side)
TTLB (from client side)
ASP.NET \ Request Execution Time
Cache Utilization
»        What is current number of entries (users and internal) in the cache?
»        How the cache utilization look like?
»        Are there lots of updates happening in cache?
»        How is cache being utilized from user code?
»        Are high numbers of items being added and removed from user cache?
»        What are number of entries in output cache?
»        How is cache being utilized in output cache?
»        Are high numbers of items being added and removed from output cache?
ASP.NET Applications\Cache Total Entries
ASP.NET Applications\Cache Total Hit Ratio
ASP.NET Applications\Cache Total Turnover Rate
ASP.NET Applications\Cache API Hit Ratio
ASP.NET Applications\Cache API Turnover Rate
ASP.NET Applications\Output Cache Entries
ASP.NET Applications\Output Cache Hit Ratio
ASP.NET Applications\Output Cache Hit Ratio
ASP.NET Applications\Output Cache Turnover Rate
Errors & Exceptions
»        How many exceptions were generated during preprocessing, parsing, compilation and run-time processing of requests?
»        How many errors occurred during processing of requests?
»        What is total number of unhandled exceptions occurred per second during run time?
ASP.NET Applications\ Errors Total/sec
ASP.NET Applications\ Errors During Execution
ASP.NET Applications\ Errors Unhandled During Execution/sec
»        What is session timeout value? Is this optimum?
»        How much server resources being consumed by sessions?
ASP.NET Applications \ Requests / Sec
Processor \ % Processor Time
Memory \ Available Bytes
Process \ Private Bytes
»        How many number of assemblies and application domains loaded?
»        What is the amount of committed memory across all application domains?
.NET CLR Loading\ Current appdomains
.NET CLR Loading\ Current Assemblies
.NET CLR Loading\ Bytes in Loader Heap
View State Size
»        What is size of view state across all pages?
Enable trace log
Page Size
»        What are sizes of response sent by different pages?
Enable logging of bytes sent in IIS
Page Cost
»        What is the page cost in terms of CPU cycles?
»        What is the page cost in terms of time?
Cost (Mcycles/request) = ((number of processors x processor speed) x processor use))/ Number of requests per second
Worker Process Restarts
»        How many times the web application recycles and the worker process recycle?

ASP.NET\ Worker Process Restarts


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